Energies and Messages – Completions and Beginnings

Zoom Meeting

Tuesday, April 30 at 5:30 pm AZ time. 

Thanks for your interest in the April virtual group session. With all of the fire energy in the month of April, I felt an end of month time for us all to come together would be helpful and FUN! There will be cards, messages, and, depending on attendance, individual cards for you. Please share this out. It is time for us to step into our most divine ‘deserves’ and empower the planet and ourselves. Magic really happens when many join together in a nurturing energy. We are in the age of the Divine Feminine. When we gather, we validate and lift each other. We deserve a community of like souls (soul family). That’s my intention with these events, connecting and allowing us to be in a frequency of JOY. The more the merrier, literally the laughter when lots of us come together is palpable! See you there!

Zoom Meeting

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